Tranquility & Pastures of Wind

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Humans Changes over Time.

When I was young, I recall how much I like to eat the small dumpling known as "Ki Zhang". It tastes best dipped with some icing sugar to it. When it comes to dumpling festival, My grand ma would always likes to pass me some Ki Zhang as she knows I have a particular liking over it.

As the years goes by, I seldom have the chance to eat dumplings even though it is dumpling festival. Nowadays, dumplings can be sold at markets, coffeeshops, supermarkets & everywhere unlike in the past whereby dumplings were only sold during dumpling festival.

I realised now I tend to prefer Meat dumplings more than Ki Zhang. Not because that Ki Zhang are seldom sold at stores, but it's due to I no longer favour over them anymore. Perhaps Ki Zhang does not contain any special meat variety in it thus tastes plain & had no special appeal to me anymore.

Secondly, I remember when the Green Tea was selling & advertising like hotcakes in the market that time, I also took no interest in them at all. All along, I feel that the smell of Green Tea drink tastes like some sort of Indian smell which I cannot bear at all. Thus that time it wasn't my preferred choice of drinks too.

It was until there's one day, it happened that I am very thirsty & had no drink to quench my thirst that I'm left without any choice except for the Green Tea in the fridge. Without any hesitation, I just took & drink it. I realized that actually it doesn't tastes that bad after all. Since then, I started to drink Pokka Green Tea & begin to love it more & more.

I believe that Sometimes likings for somethings may vary & changes as time goes by. You'll feel amazed that how some things that you dreaded in the past may become one of yr favourites in future. Perhaps it's just a personal preference or just like the usual sayings :"Never Try Never know the outcome".

Life is always a Risk of events and Gamble.


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