Tranquility & Pastures of Wind

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I joined ASM Front-End Manufacturing Pte Ltd on the 1st Feb 2006 & I left on 15th March 2006. Although it was just a short period of time, it is the only company which leaves me with lots of fond memories & deep impression up till now. In the past, I have join quite a few companies but somehow I'm only being emotional attached to ASM. I do not know why perhaps it's mainly becos of the environment & the pple I worked with there especially my 1st Ex-sup (Adrain Goh Boon Siong)

Ytd (3/10/06) ard 11:30pm, I was shopping ard at Shop n Save near my place to get some stuffs.
It was until I get over to the drinks section & I happened to see Halim there. I turned ard, he saw & called out to me. He recognised me immediately asking me abt my current status. We had a short chat as he was walking with his baby in the pram & his wife was there. I asked him why he was so late? He said he just went there to buy some baby stuffs.

He added on telling me regarding Peter Koh's resignation. He said he had resign not long after I left... ard in June. I asked him what happened. He mentioned that they sabotage & complain abt him on his work inefficiency... E.g : Only sit at his desk & do all the talking but not assisting them out. Even the higher management like Peter B also knows abt him. In the end, he was forced to resign but they asked him to tender on his own. I didn't expect him to get back the same treatment & deserts just the same way on how he treated me 7 mths ago.

Amir also resign from the coy already & he had worked there for 6 mths. Kind of unexpected to know that. Now the warehouse dept only left Din, Fairuz, Halim & Sadely & some temp staffs helping out in the kitting. I asked him who take over my job after I left. As usual it was still Fairuz doing the releasing duties. Then I replied :" Then Everyday do OT is it?" I even told him that I want to go back & work as temp for kitting. But he said my pay so high, I shld be in IT line... I told him Evelyn doesn't allow me to do kitting also. Now they are using SAP & not using Baan anymore. Evelyn is taking over the warehouse now.

Actually, I was abt to asked him abt Sadely (Just that I have forgotten abt his name that moment) & Halim replied me Adrain is it? (With a smile) . I was thinking that it's quite obvious he knows I'm concern & have likings for Adrain...

I said No. I asked him how is Sadely doing? He is still as usual. Of cos I did asked abt Adrain as well. I asked if Adrain did asked abt me & why I left the coy? Halim said :" No. He just told me that Adrain was quite busy & he is currently on reservist. He is still working as Project Engineer & stationed at the 1st level. But last time I heard from Joyce was that Adrain had shifted up to 2nd level??

Before he left, I asked him to send my regards to Adrain & pple in the Warehouse Dept.

Infact, I feel really glad to have this chance & Fate to see Halim after 6 mths since I left the coy.
At least, I get some updates abt what's happening over there & esp the colleagues there as well.

Having this kind of chance is RARE. And I I truely believe it is FATE that I can get to met Halim ytd.
Was thinking that If I didn't go over to Shop & Save at that timing yesterday, I wldn't even have bump into him at all. Perhaps this is the first & last time I get to see him again.

I know deep down inside my heart, I yearn to see Adrain Goh again. Since my resignation from ASM, I have never once forgotten abt him & somewhere in my heart still lingers & thought of him often. There are some previous occasions which I even dream abt him twice. I really do misses him. I still miss his jokes, speech , laughter, care for me ( asking me to go for lunch & breaks), his walking style, his singing (Sunshine on a rainy day), the special perfume smell he uses , his red chevrolet car & most importantly his existence. He is also one of the main reasons on why I feel emotional attached to ASM. I have also never forgotten abt all the occasions at ASM, scenarios & conversations which I had with him. Those are the Fond memories which are still instill in my mind & be treasured for as long as I live.

I have always wanted to send my regards to Adrain Goh via email but I didn't at all. It was something which I wanted very much to do so but somehow I tend to hesitiate abt it. I have forwarded him an email. Was wondering if he still remember me or will he ever reply to my email?
I foresee the Chances are damn rare. Somehow, I really wished to let him know that so far he is the Best & Nicest Supervisor that I ever come across in my life. Thanks for letting me to know you & once cross the path in my life. (Although our fate had ended since 15 March 2006)


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