Tranquility & Pastures of Wind

Friday, March 09, 2007

Remisicing The Younger Days
Very often, I found myself.....
1) Still living in the shadows of working at ASM Front-End Manufacturing Pte Ltd although I left the place 1 year ago. Remisicing of the jokes cracked by warehouse colleagues, Adrain Goh & many more enjoyable scenarios while working at there.
2) Still thinking of the past Secondary School days esp from Sec311,411,511 onwards. E.g. The Form teachers, History & Geography teacher - Mrs Tay (Foo Yuet Yuen) , Pastoral care lessons, Assembly, P.E., NAFA Tests , etc
3) Still thinking of my Primary school crushes.
Infact, I have a few crushes in Primary school.
(A) Zheng Kun Quan (A bit bengish, non-studious type of guys). - Pri 3BB (1988)
Never had much interaction with him as we were in different class. (He was in 3CC)
(B) Fu Yanxiang - I was in the same class as him in Pri 5A. (1990).
He was just sitted infront beside of me.
3 words to describe him... Handsome-looking, with specs., Smart, intelligent & eloquent. I still remember he was exceptionally GOOD in MAthematics. Infact, he was also gd in other subjects like english too. Overall, one of the top- scorer in my class. I remember he had a elder sister who was also a top-scorer student in school as well.
In Pri 6, we parted class as he was shifted to the EM1 Stream.
He tend to speaks in English more & I often tend to borrow pens & Pencils from him.
(C) Bernard How De Ming - Pri 6 . Also same class as him & he was seated behind me. Looks quite tall , medium-built, non-specs. He belongs to the lazy category.
I remember he always likes to slp during lessons in class, didn't do or hand-in his homework often. Likes to mingle ard & crap. He's not very gd in chinese.
I used to help him do his homework for him too & there's one day , it was being found out by our form teacher!!!
Even Up till now, I still remember I used to scold him this phrase in Chinese :" I am very disappointed in you..." (And this is so unlike of me to do that to anyone else)
4) I'm still thinking of the good old innocent days whereby there's breaks, jokes & hints given by my Sec 4 sec school mates during GCE "N" & "O" Level Actual ORAL Exams. (Esp with Tian Fa, Hanxiang)
5) I Found myself still thinking of him (Wong Kar Wai) - one of my longest secondary school crush (1993- 2000) every now & then.
Very often, instilled in my mind was those secondary school scenarios, happenings & places , School Events where we saw each other .... in canteens, class-breaks, after-school sessions, remedials, NAFA Tests during 1996. He used to assist Mr Rumi for helping him to record the results & time for 2.4 KM Run for the Sec 4 that year. (1996) ... Besides that, We also Take GCE "N" Levels exams sitting in the HALL together, Chinese Orals periods, borrowing staple from him during Geography exams in Hall . ( I didn't even know that staple belongs to him in the first place), At Mrs Tay teacher's room table (I was requesting from her the Geography notes which I was absent the day before & I saw him at her desk co-incidentally)
Thinking back, it had been 10 years up till date since I last met him. Infact, we were sec 1 & 2 classmates.
I still recall that during Sec 112 , he was seated infront of me when our sitting arrangement had yet to be finalised by our form teacher).
But we didn't speak or hv much interaction last time. He was the monitor of the class. Since Sec 3, we were shifted to different classes. Just next to mine. He was in the Accounting/Geography Stream. (312,412,512) .Later, he still remain as the monitor of his classes. But my feelings for him still grew stronger then. Infact, Feelings were still intact for him.
I may have a few crushes in Primary & Secondary School. But WKW was one of my longest crush & he was the only one who truely made my heart skip a bit & capture my heart. I found that he does looks exceptionally GOOD-LOOKING & decent when he wear specs.
He wasn't a very smart student but he's quite gd in sports & particularly his passion for basketball.
6) I found myself thinking of my Childhood memories & times whereby I & my cousins grw up & play many many Popular Classic Games, PC games, Card, Board Games together during school holiday period in their house. We even play teacher/Student in class, play Cooking Rice Stalls Seller, Learn & sing many of the great Retro songs in the 1980s- 1990s, We wrote the lyrics down to a chinese composition book & penned the tune & play it in the recorder. Infact, playing on the recorder sounds very nice.
Usually, we would often go & eat, go down for a stroll , play ground & play together. Those times were the most carefree & innocent times whereby $$ isn't one of our main concerns then.
As years gone by, pple change & gradually our Educational Status, Family backgrd status, times change. Communication becomes a problem. I often remind myself those childhood times no matter how wonderful, it wouldn't be revived again. We are now just like "Familiar Strangers" whom once past by each other.
10 Years have passed. Times indeed Flies Fast~! I have graduated from YCKSS since 1997 for 10 years. Sad to say, I have never went back to visit the school since graduation. (Although I have always wanted to do so).
10 years is indeed a long period. Things Changed, People Change, So do environment Change. But Memories doesn't change & will never change.
When I was 17 years old, I have never asked or thought of this qn before to myself at all. "10 years later, what will I become & what will I be or doing?"
Pondering back this qn to myself now in 2007, "10 years later, what will I become & where would I be staying & doing?" 10 years later, I'll 38 yrs old. I got to accept the fact that time is catching up with me. Sigh~!
I am worried about my whereabouts & life. But worried will not solve or pop up with any changes. I need Strength & Motivation. I ought to be Strong!
I am really clueless of what I will become 10 years from now but I just hope that I would have a much better life & a healthier body in the years to come by.
I am just like a sailing ship aimlessly searching for its long lost harbour.
Hopefully & Praying that my harbour would be found soon.
I need Miracles~!


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